
The combatant component is a central feature to the Omega Game Framework. It acts as a blueprint-only alternative to the Gameplay Ability System, give the user access to custom Abilities and Attributes. To add a combatant component, simply do so from the component drop-down. NOTE: It is recommended that you only use combatant components on a character class.

You can bind ANY user widget to your combatant component to quickly update various child widgets to that of its linked combatant.

  • Add the WidgetInterface_Combatant to any User Widget you want to bind to.

  • Override Get Combatant Component and attach you combatant.

  • Attach whichever available widgets you wish to the other Get functions to update their value. (Unused gets will be ignored.)

Damage Modifiers allow you to modifer damage applied to a combatant's attribute. They work similar to Attribute Modifiers.

Add DataInterface_DamageModifer to any UObject.

Add that object as a Damage Modifier using the SetDamageModifierActive in the Combatant component, and setting Active to true. They can be removed by setting Active to false.

The Modify Damage Function will adjust the incoming damage and return it out however you like. NOTE: If you implement this interface, but do not setup the function, it will always return 0 damage.

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